

Aside from hunting the Traditions Duck & Gun Club; Joe Hooker and his brother Johnny Hooker  brought in the help of the Aurora Police Chief Mike Harmon to help bring more wood ducks to the South Creek area. They placed many wood duck boxes in the creek marshes to allow female wood ducks to nest. The duck boxes are made of rough-cut timber and sit on a pole that stands four to six feet above the water to allow for the tide to rise. The poles are lined with slick aluminum to keep predators from entering the boxes, and cedar chips are placed inside the box for nesting material.  The boxes are also faced in opposite directions, because wood ducks do not like other ducks looking in. When the ducklings are mature enough to leave the nest the rough-cut timber helps by allowing them to climb out of the nest and jump into the water. These ducklings leave and do not come back until they are ready to breed. This will bring many ducks to the area, so that future avid hunters will have ducks to hunt.